Tuesday, June 13, 2006


despite all the shit i'm going through, i had a fantastic weekend! it started off by meeting chris for an A2 local loop ride. the niner handled beautifully through all of the technical sections, and i rode some stuff i never did on the fango. afterwards, we walked into town and had some grub and beers at grizzly peaks. the beer wasn't great but palatable as was the food. after three 22 ouncers, i got a text from elizabeth and we decided to do some drunk bowling on the west side of A2. an interesting crowd to say the least. i don't know what they put in that bowling alley beer but all three of us were WAY hungover on saturday. my plans of mowing the lawn and going for an afternoon ride were replaced by my bed, tv and computer...and bed.

on sunday, i was gonna get up early to do a pre-ride before the wonky poto ride dana organized. i got up at 9:00 and realized i wouldn't have time for a pre-ride. oh well, i suck. so i met a surprisingly large group out at the poto at noon. what a perfect day for a ride! there was a fast group where we could hammer from one section to the next before regrouping. let me tell you, the niner screams out there! although chris had 30 more miles on his legs than me, he was chasing me the second half of the trail! i don't care how tired junior is, he never chases me! we were definitely moving out there. did i mention the bike is just plain fun?

the ride was followed by a bbq at elizabeth's sweet condo in dexter. that was fun and turned into a stupid drunk sunday night where i got home around midnight. yeah, dumb, i know.

the awesome weekend was followed by a shitty ct scan appointment yesterday. i had to down 2 24 oz. bottles of barium and then they injected some more radioactive dye via IV. grrrr....

i had a bad start to the day when i got a voicemail saying the the doc who's doing my scope was going to be out on the 22nd so they would have to reschedule. are you fucking shittin' me??? i was soooo pissed AND frustrated...AGAIN. wtf? so, i don't know when i'm gonna have the scope and whatever this is, it's still getting worse everyday. it sucks. but at least i'm riding after work tonight. ah, the niner...


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