Tuesday, June 06, 2006

want to ride

ugh! i just want this over with. the discomfort is getting progressively worse and spanning a larger area. they just need to find out what it is ASAP. it ridiculous because the fucking ER doctors should've found this weeks ago. they better NOT give me the runaround tomorrow.

i just wish everything was okay again so i can ride my bike and get on with life. it's been so nice out the last two days. i didn't do anything outside after work last night but i did lift some weights. that was fun. it's been a long time so i'm pretty sore today.

i kinda want to ride tonight. maybe hook up w/ the novi group later tonight. it seems like jackie's going through more than i am right now. later this afternoon she's going w/ her mom to consult w/ her surgeon to schedule her surgery. as if jackie doesn't have enough to worry about, her mom was diagnosed w/ a brain tumor back in the winter. unfortunately, she waited on the surgery and her mri last week revealed that the tumor has grown quite a bit and the surgery is going to be a little more complicated. that sucks. what are the chances that her mom and husband both have/had brain tumors? weird.


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