Thursday, June 01, 2006

bad, bad news

okay, so i was almost expecting something like this to happen. but maybe not. i got blindsided this afternoon after i got back from lunch. the message light on my work phone was blinking. i call the voicemail and who was it? the surgeon i saw in the ER. now let me tell you from experience that if you get a call from the doc after they tell you everything is okay, it's a very bad sign. so i give him a call and sure enough, they found an "abnormality" on my ct scan. it's in the area of the large intestine called the cecum which is next to the appendix. of course the doc wasn't willing to jump to any conclusions. "oh, it's probably just nothing." i've heard that one before, and it turned out i had a brain tumor. they just don't want to alarm the patient before they know for sure. since i still have pain in that area and acromegalics are at least 2.5 times more likely to develop colorectal cancer, it's pretty obvious to me as to what it is. now it's just a waiting game. i need to have a "consultation" appointment w/ the doc who's doing the scope before they'll even schedule it. so that appointment is next wednesday. ironically, next wednesday is the two year anniversary of my brain surgery. so, we know something is there. is it just a polyp? a benign tumor? or is it a malignant one? only time will tell. if it's the later, then i'd say i'm in a whole heap of trouble. it's the number 2 (no pun intended) cancer killer in the western world. basically, if you have a malignant tumor that has metastisized, you're pretty much toast.

so maybe wishes do come true. i wish for death and here i'm faced with it. i'm not sure how i feel about it at this point. all i can think about right now is it's party time! i feel like drinking and getting fucked up. why not? i'm not taking any of this beer with me to the grave.


Blogger Soupy said...

My thoughts are with you, bud.. Please remember, though, drinking may make you forget your problems for a little bit, but won't make them go away. Hold off for a bit until you know more. We're all here for ya!

12:15 PM, June 02, 2006  
Blogger Alden said...

well, i had a wonderful day today...skipped work, went riding, and drank with my friends. why would i want to hold off when i know they're gonna tell me "no more". it's hard to describe what it does to you mentally...

10:07 PM, June 02, 2006  
Blogger hodaddy/Joseph Foy said...

Alden, You know that we are ALL praying for you and it will work out. But you have the best reason in the world to keep it together and to keep on fighting...he's right next to you looking up!!!

11:08 AM, June 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

4:16 AM, July 21, 2006  

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