Thursday, June 08, 2006

fuck it all!

doctors are idiots. plain and simple. they really don't have a clue...well, at least very few do. so i meet w/ the surgeon yesterday and asks if he's looked at my ct scans. he says no but he has the report. there may or may not be an abnormality with my appendix. wtf? i thought when i talked to the other surgeon last week, he said it wasn't my appendix and that they found an abnormality in my large intestine next to the appendix. i'm frustrated beyond belief. no answers. they've scheduled me for another ct scan on monday. yea! more radiation. and i have to wait 14 more days for the ass cam. great. so it's gonna be about 5 weeks after i was in the ER before they have any answers for me. ridiculous. i give up. really.

so in the meantime, i'm gonna live as normally as i can even though whatever this is, it's getting worse. i ran to my car yesterday in the rain and every step i took it hurt. at least riding isn't as jarring as running. i'm really looking forward to attempting a double poto on sunday. i've lifted the last three nights and feel good in that respect. so goes another day in the life of a chronically sick boy...


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