Monday, August 27, 2007

weekend musings

the weekend started off shitty. work bullshit. i don't feel like getting into it but i was all stressed out by the time i got home friday evening. did i want to crack open the tasty ipa's that were waiting for me in the fridge or did i want to have a low-key night and workout? i opted for the former. did you expect anything less? that dogfish head 60 minute ipa sure was tasty. so was that batch of extra-hot homemade salsa i fired up. then the storms hit. power went out for a few seconds but came back on. time for another beer. and another. and another. hmm...what am i going to do on this friday night? i didn't feel like sitting around by myself all night and the 80's dance party i was hosting by myself was getting old...FAST!

so 9:00 rolls around and i had gone through all of my 60 minute ipa. well, looks like i'll have to break out the 90 minute ipa. that's an imperial ipa, 9.0% abv. i don't like it as much as the 60 minute, but still tasty, nonetheless. i turn on the tele and all over the news was the devastation around metro detroit. wow! was it really that bad out? i guess so. we got hit pretty good in livonia, but i guess further north up in fenton, they got hit w/ some tornadoes. there was also flooding all around town too. oh yeah and about 70,000 people without power. well, i'm good. the storm had passed, my belly was warm from the salsa, i had a pretty good buzz from the dogfish heads and was happily surfing on my computer when FLASH! the power went out. it tried to come back on 3 times and then darkness and silence settled upon me. FUCK. this sucks. i called some friends up and told them i was alone in the dark and scared and needed to be held, so they invited me over. not only was a phat steak waiting for me when i got over there but hot corn on the cob and beer too! now that's what i call a good friend!

and that was just friday. saturday, i crawled out of bed as i needed to be at maybury by 11:00 to help out. it started raining about 20 minutes after i got out there. not fun. after helping out with the course, i moved over to the food pavillion and helped out there. then, i started drinking. all downhill from there. no, it was fun, really. except for when i puked 4 times in the outhouse while peeing. i've never, ever puked because of a smell before. gagged, yes, but never chunkage. that was the worst smelling outhouse EVER!

i even got in a little trail run when i went back out to course marshall and sherpaboy and the ems come tearing through with their vehicles. it felt really good to be running on the trail even though it was slick and muddy. i'm glad they got the downed rider out safely.

more drinking ensued as we headed downtown northville then downtown plymouth. i was being heckled relentlessly by two specific darkhorse girls. they're brutal, man! ;-)

oh yeah, one more thing...


Thursday, August 23, 2007

i'm back on me feet again!

i must be on some 80s kick because i keep quoting terrible 80s tunes. oh well. i like the 80s. in fact, i just made an all 80s rockin' cd last night!

i've started running again! the last time i ran was on april 28th which was the day of my half marathon. the multiple stress fractures in both legs have sidelined me WAY longer than i thought. so, i'm taking it slow. really S-L-O-W. i'm gonna follow the rehab plan so i don't reinjure it. i went out for a half mile total on tuesday combining walk/jog segments. i went a little further today. i covered about 2 miles but only ran for about 4.5 minutes total. i feel good. i can't believe how much i miss it! it was a rather interesting night to be out. to the east, was tons of frequent, bright lightning and to the south, was a bright moon and stars. i'd never seen anything like it. everytime the lightning would flash, it would reflect off the wet pavement and light up the night. too cool!

i'm bummed i haven't ridden in a week. it's funny because i've gone all summer not riding for two, three weeks at a time but all of a sudden i rode 4 times last week and now with the wet weather, i've been off the bike for a week. i've gotten the single speed back and have done two rides on it, and i absolutely love it! my legs aren't in the best climbing shape, especially at pontiac, but it's still a blast! i finally put on the carbon riser i've had laying around since last fall and some new esi silicone grips. i hated the ergons and even the specialized knock-off which are a bit smaller. i need to be able to wrap my entire hand around the grips to feel in control. see? i'm i control freak. naw. not really.

anyway, the weekend is almost upon us. i'm not racing maybury because i can't do 3 laps. yeah, weak, i know. but, i'll be there course marshalling so i can make fun of all the suckers suffering in the mud!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

here i am...

...the one that you love! grrr...air supply pisses me off.

so, i'm back by popular, or more realistically, not so popular demand. i've been away from the computer for the last 5 months. okay, so i lied. i really haven't been away from the computer for 5 whole months, just away from my blog. maybe it's because i never know what to write. maybe because no one really cares about my obsessive/compulsive tendencies. maybe it's because the blog became plain ol' boring. i did nothing but bitch in here. and who really wants to be brought down by someone's blog? not me, my friend! so, i've spared you all the details.

well, it hasn't been all bad. actually, life's been treating me pretty well the past 5 months. i completed the 1/2 marathon at the end of april, i went to disney at the end of may, i did the tree farm relay with my beloved teammates, i've been working my ass off. so where does that leave any time for riding? well, it hasn't. i've only ridden a dozen or so times ALL year. of course, now i'm kicking myself since it's late august and i'm in (relatively speaking) piss poor shape. but, i'm getting back into it. slowly. i've still partied like a rockstar all summer! not something i'm proud of, but fun nonetheless. drinking just gets me into WAY too much trouble! ;-)

best of all, i've managed to stay healthy this summer! no unexpected hospital visits, no crazy pains. actually, this is the best i've felt in years! can't complain about that.

on a sad note, i thought i'd make mention of a good friend's wife who passed away on august 2nd after a brutal battle with breast cancer. she was 36 and left behind two young children. that really bummed me out for awhile. life just isn't fair. but it goes on. and she will not be forgotten. not by me. not by her husband. and certainly not by her children and loving family. rest in peace, shelly!