Wednesday, October 18, 2006

one down!

just got into work after a morning iceman training ride. man, is it nice out! started out at the kent lake parking lot and hit the huron valley trail. took that up mt. trashmore, under 96 and then left on the dirt road leading up to buno rd. turned right on buno, climbed the hill and went down to the railroad tracks. turned around and then climbed the big-ass-long hill and out towards kensington. into kensington i rode to the golf course turned around and turned left down the little loop road. there was a steep climb on that road. don't think i've ridden it before. then went all the way back out to the other toll booth and then back through kensington and the 2 monster hills and back to island lake where my car was. whew! i need a gps! 29 miles, 1:50 ride time, avg speed 15.7. i don't know if that's good or not but i was just happy to make it up that last, long climb. no cramping! my quads thought about it going back up the little steep hill under the connector bridge from kensington to island lake. my legs had almost no juice left when i got back to my car. so, the question is...was this training ride harder or easier than iceman? i don't know, but to be safe i'm gonna throw in some more hills next time i do it. i think i'll do this 2 more times and i should be ready. it just kicks your ass mentally and physically to train at race pace. i don't know how people do this for an entire season.

though it was painful, it was still fun. the dirt roads were muddy as hell so it reminded me of the springtime training rides. the bike really needs a bath and a tune-up. the views were spectacular on top of the hills in kensington. you can see for miles with the beautiful fall leaves in all their glory. i can't wait to take another half day next week to do this all over again!


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