Monday, April 03, 2006


okay, so i really am crazy. does anyone else have this sort of addiction? you find yourself constantly on the internet looking at bikes you want to buy, research the hell out of them and then lust after them until they are between your thighs? i've been doing this for at least three months. yes, i still want a 29er. i haven't even ridden one on the trail yet. this thursday. that's my plan. i'm calling sunrise tomorrow and seeing if i can pick up the paragon on wednesday after work and then getting it set up for a ride out at pontiac on thursday. so after all this research, i've decided to get a frame that isn't currently available. sold out. i think they should be in-stock in about a month. but i've heard that one before. the frame is a soma juice. for '06 they've upgraded to a tange prestige tubeset. mmmmm...prestige tubing. i remember riding one of my first mountain bikes back in the late 80s and it was made of tange prestige. all this for a retail price of $429. hard to beat. even for my hairy palmed tendencies.


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