Monday, March 06, 2006

sick day

i played hookey today. okay, maybe not the traditional skip work and go ride kinda day off but a sick day. i slept much of the morning and then took mason to see a second eye specialist. the doc we saw today will be doing his surgery. it'll be done on april 28th, the friday after yankee springs. it's almost sad how i use my race dates as references.

my long time friend, stu, who lives out in la-la land emailed me today and said he's getting married. not the smartest thing to do, but to each his own. unfortunately, it's on may 6th, just a week after mason's surgery so we'll probably have to be out. i really liked l.a. when i was out there for my surgery. i'm kinda bummed i can't go. knowing stu, it'd be quite a bash...hollywood style! it's funny to actually see him settle down since he was quite the playa in college. steph is a good woman though.

funny, i didn't sleep very well last night. i woke up just before 5am and was wide awake. what was i thinking about? racing. i was envisioning the boyne race and my strategy. night laps. fun in the dark. ya know, i don't even have a team yet and i have no idea who i'm going to race with. maybe it's not too early to start asking.

i hope i can get over this cold quicker than the cold i had last summer. i was sick the whole month of july. i remember dana was sick too and we played hookey to go ride. i think we ended up w/ like 30 trail miles that day. now that's making the most of a day off!

it turned out to be a beautiful afternoon and had to restrain myself to not go out for a quick run. thanks, amanda! rest may be good since i can't stop sneezing. so it's time to catch some zzz's and hopefully make it back to work tomorrow.


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