Saturday, March 04, 2006


okay, so i passed out. well, the nurse said i didn't actually pass out but it sure felt like i did. so we didn't finish the procedure. i will spare the horrible details, but the doctor cleared me to ride! how embarrassing. and i thought i was doing so well. i don't know what happened. maybe i should start taking the drugs instead of taking it like a man. kinda like the time i had carpal tunnel surgery. i opted for a local instead of being put under. bad idea. at least i can handle the dentist w/o anesthetic. don't ya just love the drill?!

enough about that! i get to ride! i get to run! unfortunately, i told amanda earlier in the week i would need some recovery time so she already made plans to ride w/ dan tomorrow. i think i'll go for a long run and then maybe a quick jaunt around hines. maybe a longer ride on sunday. amanda said she was thinking about joining tom. if i feel like venturing over to the east-side, i may join them.

okay, so i'm not perfectly healthy. that's okay. that's expected on this long road to recovery. maybe it's not even a road to recovery. this maybe as good as it gets. but i'll tell you what, every breath of that fresh spring air i take is one breath that some poor soul isn't taking. that's enough motivation to keep me going. yankee springs, here i come!


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