Thursday, May 04, 2006

bike decisions...

okay, so i guess i'm not getting a quiring. this sucks. not a knock on scott or anybody but i just can't afford one right now. i was led to believe that i could get a better deal on one. i guess not. i'll just have to wait another year or two before i can dive into the custom frame world. it must be nice to have endless money to spend on expensive custom frames, huh? me--i'm still paying for my surgery two years ago.

so what am i going to get? i don't know. i can either build up a niner emd9 or just get a fisher paragon. i've determined that the bb on the soma juice is too low for my liking. one thing that stuck out in my mind about the paragon was that i could pedal over the rocks and roots at pontiac lake without worrying about smacking my pedals. that was probably one of my favorite things about that bike! there's about a 3/4" difference between the fisher and soma which is significant. so do i go through the hassle of ordering parts for the niner build or just go with a complete bike? with the fisher, i could buy it this weekend which would mean i would have it for addison. big plus. but, for some reason, i can't see myself riding a fisher. i don't know why...maybe i'm just pretentious. i'll have to make my decision by this weekend. ugh! decisions, decisions!

i had my ultrasound yesterday. probably won't get results until early next week. i don't anticipate they'll find anything as my blood work came back completely normal. i think they're looking in the wrong area. it's actually lower than where they're looking, but what do i know, they're the doctors, right? it is still getting worse everyday, especially in the morning or when i'm hungry, so who knows what the hell it is. one day at a time, my friend...


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